Start Small

December 2022

"If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed."

--Admiral William McRaven

On behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! As most of us traditionally do, we all probably already made our New Year’s Resolutions. I’m sure that when we were all younger, we made large and ambitious resolutions. But I can honestly say, I don’t remember fulfilling those resolutions. Throughout 2022, the recurring theme in both my professional, personal, and Kiwanis life has been goal setting. From attending professional development training as a teacher, to Kiwanis Education Academy, and also just talking with family and friends, this topic has always come up. And if there’s any take away from these lessons, it’s to start small. Even completing the smallest of tasks can give you the motivation you need to energize you throughout your day. It can be something as simple as keeping your work desk clean and organized, or to quote Michael Scott: “I made a resolution to floss, and I did it. 12:01, January first, BAM! Blood everywhere.” And for the teachers: not to have any unread emails by the end of the day.

As we start off this year, yes we should start strong, but we also need to stay strong throughout the entire year. And the best way to do this is to continue moving forward little by little, step by step, all while keeping in mind our purpose.

Happy New Year from the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor.

~ Aladdin Roque-Dangaran

President of the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor