The Year Was 2020

December 2020

TWENTY TWENTY...a year no one in this lifetime shall forget. It has been a world of pain – so much sickness-anxiety-loss of jobs-loss of life. The virus changed our entire world. We can only hope that in the end – yes, there shall be an end, we will have learned more about ourselves and all those around us.

This year of so very much loss, also taught us a great deal. We are Kiwanians, so we did not give up and did what we could – each in our own way and abilities. Pearl Harbor was grateful to have members who knew how to use virtual media so we started virtual meetings and communications at the start. For me, I did not know what virtual meeting really meant, but we all do now in different degrees of knowledge and skills. (I am still at the kindergarten level.)

There are good times to remember: Our Key Clubs helped us to continue on with projects – virtually. With virtual trainings and so many hands, we were able to continue service. We even “pulled off” our first ever and hopefully our last virtual installation with a fundraiser included. Pearl Harbor can be proud. We were able to recruit 3 new members and also help others in the spirit of Kiwanis. There are wonderful times to remember in 2020. The end of the tunnel is visible, so now we move on to a new year, probably some new challenges, but we have proven we can!

Hau`oli Makahiki Hou.

~ Carol L. Smith

Proud President of the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor

November is My Favorite Month of the Year

November 2020

Aloha from Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor, SLP, and friends. The second month of the Kiwanis year of 2020-2021 has come to an end! November is a Pearl Harbor favorite month, when our Service Leardership Programs (SLP) TAKEOVER our meeting! Each year the meeting is unique, creative and a learning experience, as well as a great time for FIVE of our Sponsored Key Clubs to plan the meeting and then preside over the meeting. Each club takes on a specific responsibility and they work together to create the entire meeting. It truly is my very most favorite Kiwanis Month each year.

Over the years, there have been so many different kinds and styles of meetings; however, none to date have done so in the middle of a pandemic! They now have the experience of operating a virtual platform to conduct the entire meeting. There were lessons learned – information – games and laughter. SPECIAL MAHALO to the Five Key Clubs led by: Aiea President Makayla * Leilehua President BJ * Mililani President Savanna * Pearl City President Trent * Waipahu President Caryk AND their teams that worked together to make this annual event come to life!

The Kwianis Club of Pearl Harbor thanks you for all you have done in the past, for the Takeover and what you shall do in your future, as part of the Kiwanis Family.

~ Carol L. Smith

Proud President of the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor

Serving the Children of the World

October 2020

Aloha & Mahalo nui loa to the Kiwanis Clubs on Oahu and our SLP who joined us at Pearl Harbor’s first virtual installation. WOW. The New Kiwanis Year has arrived! I shall never forget (Well, guess I should not say never, since I forget things all the time!) how the awesome “Team of Four” – Aladdin, Danny, Kathryn & Kay worked together to make our first and hopefully last virtural installation happen. We realized quickly it is definitely much easier to put together a traditional installation.

It gives me such great pleasure to welcome our two new 2020-2021 members, Meagan and Ace. I am so very happy and the entire club thanks you for chosing Pearl Harbor to continue your service for the children and those in need. I, as well as all our members, look forward to enjoying getting to know each other while you both learn more about us and the World of Kiwanis.

When asked what I would like to accomplish this Kiwanis year, my answer has always been to build our club up and have FUN doing it. So it gives me a great deal of pleasure to tell you we have additional new members “on our horizon”. It is time for “fresh blood” in Pearl Harbor. Those of us “seasoned members” shall have the opportunity to relax with the fun stuff, as we all continue to work together for our common goal Serving the children of the world. I am truly looking forward to this Kiwanis year, because there are wonderful Kiwanians in our club that will have my back and trust me, I shall need you!

Aloha my friends,

- Carol Smith, President

What Will the New Normal Look Like

April/May 2020

Have you been thinking about future projects? I don’t think doing projects will be “normal” any more. We hope for the best but prepare for the worst, just in case. Have been thinking of ways to do projects and doing things that people need. With social distancing being the new normal we may have to do things a bit differently. We may have to do things as a group and donate time and efforts for people in need like thinking of ways to help with food distribution or even tutoring kids by video conferencing. We can still take care of the community one child at a time but maybe we have to change it a little and be a little creative.

~ Susan Wong

Kiwanis Doing Our Part in the Fight Against COVID-19

February/March 2020

With all the cancellations of our Kiwanis events, social activities, and even schools, it is time for a definition for all the things we can do to limit the spread of COVID-19. We have heard of quarantines and isolation - that is the most we could do by not spreading the disease. Lately we have been hearing about social distancing which Kiwanis International is suggesting that we participate in. Social Distancing is limiting our meeting to 10 people or less or cancelling large gatherings like HCON or our bowling tournament that was a fundraiser for our Komohana LTG.

The information came from USA Today with references to the Annals of Internal Medicine and Centers for Disease Control.

~ Susan Wong