Excerpts from Aladdin’s Installation Speech

October 2022

... I went on a family trip to North Carolina for my cousin’s wedding. And while it was a very short trip (only 4 days), it was one of the best experiences I have had. Not just being on the east coast, but to be with my cousin and family who don't live in Hawaii. Our "Dangaran Cousin's" were always a close knit group. A lot of us grew up in the same house and were practically siblings. A couple of the cousins lived on an outer island or on the mainland, but when they came to visit it was like they were always there. When our grandma passed away last year, this bond seemed to strengthen even more. It was like we all made an internal vow to always be there for each other. And even though my cousins knew we were coming to their wedding, you could see them light up when they saw us there.

This is what it’s like to be a part of the K-Family. We have this internal vow and drive to be there when help is needed. And especially here in Hawaii, the Kiwanians really do take care of each other, no matter what club they are from.

Again, thank you for coming (to our installation)! Looking forward to a great year! And especially to our Key Clubbers! We always enjoy having you at our events. We really wouldn’t be a club without you.

~ Aladdin Roque-Dangaran

President of the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor